MCCA meets ALL the requirements for Religious and Public Schools concerning the number of credits needed for graduation in the state of Pennsylvania. MCCA also adds additional credits for Bible classes, giving a Biblical Worldview through our academic courses.
PA Minimum for Religious Schools
Elementary – This refers to grades K-8
The following subjects must be taught in the English language:
- English, to include Spelling, Reading, and Writing
- Arithmetic
- Science
- Geography
- History of the United States and Pennsylvania
- Civics
- Safety Education, including regular and continuous instruction in the dangers and prevention of fires
- Health and Physiology
- Physical Education
- Music
- Art
Secondary – This refers to grades 9-12
The following subjects must be offered in the English language:
- English, to include Language, Literature, Speech and Composition
- Science, to include Biology and Chemistry
- Geography
- Social Studies, to include Civics, Economics, World History, History of the United States and Pennsylvania
- A Foreign Language
- Mathematics, to include General Mathematics and Statistics, Algebra and Geometry
- Art
- Music
- Physical Education
- Health and Physiology
- Safety Education, including regular and continuous instruction in the dangers and prevention of fires
PA Minimum Graduation Requirements
For Religious Schools (Grades 9-12)
- 4 years of English
- 3 years of Mathematics
- 3 years of Science
- 3 years of Social Studies
- 2 years of Arts and Humanities
Can High School Credits Be Earned Before Grade 9?
The law is very clear as to the requirements for High School graduation. The minimum listed credits must be earned in grades nine through twelve. (The law does not allow any exceptions!)
- High school graduates should move their tassel from right to left.
PA Definition of a High School Unit
(Applies to PA religious schools. For public schools, this applies only to education prior to the imposition of modern, non-traditional Regulations.)
- 120 clock hours